There has been sightings of me everywhere around Denver, from Tacos Rapidos on Federal & Evans, Kermit's off 6th West, Mizuna on 7th, to the McDeath drive through on Alameda & Speer. It's no secret that I have dined and worked in the worst, best, cheapest, most expensive and most under-rated places. On occasion, I have been known to don a tuxedo, fake mustache, detachable rat tail, wind breaker and/or red lip stick. Three days a week I am incognito and don't take calls from my mother. A majority of my time and money is spent consuming almost everything I come across in order to fulfill my American duty and continue to stimulate the economy and my palette. Food and good people are what make life worth living. I love to write and review my experiences and share them because my duty is to the People, the consumer, you.
People and Services is a blog created to review the essential interactions and experiences I have in cafes, stores, restaurants around Denver. When I say "essential" I'm talking about everything from a sneaky pre-shift beer to a five course balls-out meal. And yes, they could occur in the same day.
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